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Description and Benefits Target audience and Workshop targets Organisation

Target companies and participants

WBF helps to improve sales and marketing performance of companies with growing or significant sales exposures in a particular market of the EU. This is the case if a new market is to be penetrated or if an existing market is to be approached more efficiently. WBF is targeted at owners, International Sales Managers or International Marketing executives of companies with a high proportion of European Export Sales. Participants are normally responsible for both the improvement of existing business or the effective development of new business in the target market.

Workshop Targets
  • Develop understanding of common EU business tools as they relate to the target market
  • Increase awareness and improve understanding of the critical business culture in this market
  • Improve quality of argumentation and strategic negotiations when approaching its customers
  • Improve success rates and achieve faster and more effective levels of market penetration
  • Definition of particular measures to ensure day-to-day implementation
Short term you generate higher confidence and better understanding of your client base
Medium term Faster market penetration
Improved understanding of customer needs
More accurate forecasting and planning
Reduced cost of wasted sales efforts resulting in higher margins
Lower sales cost of marketing efforts needed to achieve satisfactory results

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