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Export and Business planning

This service is interesting for you, if one of the following sentences describes your present situation:
  • You have a satisfactory UK business with capacity to enter more export markets.
  • Your overseas sales process can be supported in one or more stages by the development of a strategic international business expansion plan.
  • You have no internal resources for temporary Export Marketing activities and you don't want to build up any.

What is Export Business Planning with DALKO ?

Together with you we design a single-step or multi-step Export Business/Marketing concept, consisting of detailed product and customer research and clear identification of distribution channels. The concept includes any step from target setting up to success control. The implementation (execution) can be partly or totally done by DALKO. The cost depends on timing and can be related to results.

Your benefits:
  • You enlarge your international activities in acquisition and leads generation without building up internal fixed cost blocks.
  • You ensure a high success rate by using professionally developed action plans and success models.
  • Your sales productivity increases by the use of different communication lines tailored to your specific needs.
  • You use the know-how from thousands of international sales contacts developed by DALKO over many years.

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