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Export and Marketing-Check Export and Marketing-Coaching Export and Business PlanningInterim Management Sales Training Translation ServicesExport and Marketing-Check

Export and Marketing-Check

This service is interesting for you, if one of the following sentences describes your present situation:
  • You feel that new ideas and new approaches could make you more successful in the export market.
  • You are a small or very small company.

What is the Export Marketing-Check?

In one or two Meetings a DALKO-Consultant screens your export marketing/sales activities together with you. This will be done with the responsible manager, in very small companies the company owner. The result is a short verbal description of your present situation with proposals where and how you could improve.

Your benefits:
  • You get an external view of your company's export activities for a small amount of money.
  • You get practical hints for improvement.
  • Based on this analysis and proposals you can immediately start actions with or without DALKO.

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